Q: The Tool of Functional Thought. Part I

Q as an (Impure) Functional Language

Published: Apr 19, 2021 by Jesús López-González

Q was implemented by Arthur Whitney (Kx Systems), having its first appearence in 2003. It relies on the shoulders of Kenneth E. Iverson and his (Turing awarded) work on A Programming Language (APL) that started more than six decades ago. Iverson emphasises the importance of notation to concentrate on more advanced problems, and finds in programming languages the idoneous setting to make math notation universal, executable and unambiguous. In accordance with such spirit, most of the APL primitives are still available on q.

We cannot find a better overview for q as the one contained in the first pages of Q Tips: “Q is an interpreted, dynamic, event-driven, functional, array programming language.”. That long definition lets us infer why learning q becomes such a challenge. Letting the eternal war between interpreted/compiled and dynamic/static aside (compiled and static always win, right? :), this article focuses on the functional feature, where we functional programmers can benefit from, since we have walked this road before.

Although there is an emerging interest on taking q and kdb beyond financial services, we won’t be so original here and will use a trading indicator as an example. In this sense, we’ll try to keep it very easy.

Most of the q/kdb+ tutorials and code snippets revolve around trading examples, so it is sometimes helpful to have an specialist nearby.

Our indicator simply consists on calculating the max price of an instrument (for instance: AAPL, AMZN, etc.) in the last year. We’ll assume that the instrument prices are organized as a kind of table containing all the working days (Monday-Friday) within the last year. In turn, each of them contains a price update for every second within the working hours (in particular, from 09:00 to 17:30). We split the problem in three steps, where each of them corresponds to the following post sections:

  1. Calculating the max of two numbers
  2. Calculating the max price within a day
  3. Calculating the max price within a whole year

The first one is just a first contact with the language, where q operators and types basics are introduced. The second one serves us as an excuse to show the date api, lists, lambda expressions and iterators (which are essentially higher order functions over collections). Finally, the last section presents dictionaries and more iterators, where we briefly suggest connections with functors and monads.

Throughout these posts, we will show q and scala snippets side by side. We want to remark that our intention isn’t to provide a comparison of these languages, though, but rather support our explanations by means of snippets from a more conventional functional language such as Scala, for merely didactic purposes. We encourage you to install q and type the expressions below on your own.

Calculating the max of two numbers

The q language allows us to calculate the max of two numbers by means of the operator |. We show how to use it in the following snippet, extracted from a q REPL session, where q) acts as the default prompt:


Scala also has a REPL as part of its ecosystem, where the default prompt is scala> . We could translate the very same logic into Scala using the max method from Integer:

scala> 3 max 2
val res0: Int = 3

We could move | to its prefix notation, using a familiar syntax for Haskellers, where we place the operator symbol in parentheses:


As can be seen, the arguments are separated by semicolons and surrounded by square brackets. As we’ll see later, q supplies many flavours of syntactic sugar while invoking functions beyond these ones, but we just wanted to remark that the operator | could behave as any other function. This notion will become relevant later on.

In the previous snippets, we’ve just produced an output and we’ve let the REPL to show it, but we could have assigned a name to the resulting value. The q notation to introduce a variable x is as follows:


Which we translate into Scala by means of a var instead of aval, since q variables can be reassigned:

scala> var x: Int = 3 max 2
scala> x
val res2: Int = 3

Although q embraces immutability for a wide range of situations, it is clearly not a pure functional language. It neither puts the same level of pressure on avoiding mutable state as the one exhibited by Scala.

A remarkably interesting q feature is that variables can be introduced at any point. For instance the expression x:3|y:2 introduces y on the fly and just returns its value to keep going. We’d need two different statements to do that in Scala, as in var y = 2; var x = 3 max y.

Another important aspect from the previous snippets are the variable types. We can see that the Scala version indicates that the type of x is Int, although we could have removed it and let the type inferencer work for us. In the case of q, which is a dynamic language, we could use the type primitive to find it:

q)type x

Where you hoping to find something more familiar? Welcome to q! The number 7 indicates that the value of this type is a long; the negative symbol sugggests an atomic value, i.e. not a list of longs; and the final h just manifests that the value that type returns has short as type. You can find the complete relation between numbers and types in this section from the official documentation.

Calculating the max price within a day

Instead of assuming a predefined input list to play with, we find it convenient to show how to generate a list of random prices. Once generated, we’ll move on to the actual calculation of the max value within it. Finally, we’ll introduce a variation of the problem, where we’ll calculate the max value as long as it doesn’t exceed a given limit.

Generating random prices for a working day

As mentioned before, we assume that the input includes a price update for every single second between the range that goes from 09:00 to 17:30. How many seconds are there in such interval?


Have you noticed the lack of space characters within q expressions? Q is really committed to shortness and encourages the programmer to limit them. This subtle difference has a considerable impact while reading q code, although eventually, you get used to it.

We clumsily adapt the previous expression into Scala using the duration interface:

scala> import scala.concurrent.duration._

scala> val n = (17.hours+30.minutes - 9.hours).toSeconds
val n: Long = 30600

There are several aspects to discuss here, but we start emphasising that q primitives for dates and times are just superb. Creating, operating and casting different units of times is a clean, elegant and intuitive task. In the example above, we just create the opening and closing seconds and then we subtract them. We use the resulting output to calculate the number of seconds in the interval. The most striking feature of the q snippet is perhaps the 7h$ at the beginning, which somehow corresponds to the toSeconds invocation from the Scala definition. In this sense, we use the $ operator to cast an expression to another type. As you already know, 7 is associated to the long type, so we are casting the subtraction result to its numeric form.

At first sight, we could infer that x$y-z interprets the subtraction before the casting due to - having a higher precedence. But this is not the case. In fact, no q operator has higher precedende than another, since it will always interpret expressions from right to left. For instance, 2*3+1 returns 8. If you combine this right-biased interpretation with the fact that it is possible to introduce variable names at any point of an expression, you can find yourself spending a non-negligible amount of time trying to understand why the following expression does return 4:


Notice that the second line rewrites x at the very beginning, remember, at the rightmost expression. We show the Scala analogous to remark this aspect:

scala> var x = 0
var x: Int = 0

scala> x = 1; x * (3 + (2 - x))
val res3: Int = 4

Again, this way of interpreting code is yet another hurdle that makes q difficult to read for newbies, but eventually, you get used to it (again :smile:). Before moving on, we want to clarify that q programmers can change associativity by using parenthesis, for instance: (2*3)+1, although it’s more idiomatic to avoid them and reorder the code, if possible.

Once we know the number of random prices that the intraday list will contain, which we assigned to the variable n, it is time to generate them. To do so, we simply use the ? operator:

231.8545 102.0847 974.3216 673.6161 404.1387 626.0377 211.9141 604.1371 52.77..

Now, we show what we have considered its Scala counterpart by means of util.Random.nextFloat:

scala> val prices = List.fill(n)(nextFloat).map(_ * 1000)
val prices: Seq[Float] = List(618.7332, 216.10922, 481.55737, 257.13562, 95.020..

The previous snippets generate n float numbers in the range that goes from zero to one thousand.

Note that the generation of random numbers by means of ? is quite easy but impure, since this operation isn’t referentially transparent. In fact, there is a global seed which is mutated when random values are demanded. We avoid introducing the pure approach embracing seeds in Scala, to keep the comparison more direct.

A nice feature from both q and Scala is that most of the time the output reflects the very same code that we need to build such value. For instance, we can generate a list of floats using the very same notation:

q)231.8545 102.0847 974.3216
231.8545 102.0847 974.3216

whose associated type is 9h, meaning a list of floats, and that we adapt to Scala as follows:

scala> List(231.8545f, 102.0847f, 974.3216f)
val res4: List[Float] = List(231.8545, 102.0847, 974.3216)

Having generated a completely crazy list of intraday prices that nobody should invest in, we will finally proceed to calculate its higher value.

We recommend the Q Tips book to find a more realistic generation of random prices, which goes beyond the scope of this post.

Finding the max value

As functional programmers, we would find the greatest value by folding the list. In q, the analogous for this function is the so-called over iterator (/).

The notion of iterator in Scala refers to a different concept, namely generators. Indeed, we should understand q iterators as a catalogue of higher-order functions over collections such as lists.

This operator takes the reducing function and the list itself as input arguments, so we could get the highest price by passing the | operator as reducer:


We can get the analogous behaviour in Scala by using the reduce method and max as reducer:

scala> prices.reduce(_ max _)
val res5: Float = 999.99884

Obviously, they don’t lead to the very same output since each version produces its own random numbers, but they are close enough!

As a pure and total functional programmer you might be missing the part of the algebra that corresponds to the Nil (or empty list) case. In fact, over would return () when we pass an empty list as second argument. This value represents the empty list and I guess we could map it as a kind of Scala’s (), which corresponds to the unique instance for the Unit type. So, to a certain extent, we could consider that (+/) returns either () or the greatest value, the dynamic poor man’s type for Either[Unit, Float], isomorphic to the Option type. The Scala version simply raises an exception when reduce is invoked from an empty list. To make things safer, over can take an additional argument to take the Nil case into account as well, as we show in the following snippet:


which would produce 0 when prices correspond to an empty list. From the Scala viewpoint, we can use the pure fold method instead of reduce (which is actually implemented as a foldLeft):

scala> prices.fold(0f)(max)
val res6: Float = 999.99884

One of the fundamental pillars of APL is the suggestivity of notation, where Iverson emphasises the importance of inferring new behaviours from existing expressions. In this sense, we could guess that by passing the operator & that calculates the minumum of two values as an argument for over, we should be able to obtain the lowest price:


The same suggestivity applies to Scala, where we can pass the min function as an argument to reduce:

scala> prices.reduce(_ min _)
val res7: Float = 0.02861023

Finally, we must say that calculating the maximum value from a given list is so common, that q supplies max as an alias for |/, as in max prices. Scala does also supply the analogous alternative, as in prices.max.

Finding the max value with an upper bound

Calculating the maximum and minimum prices is ok, but we could be interested in implementing more sophisticated indicators. For instance, calculating the higher price that doesn’t exceed a given limit. At this point, one may wonder if over is restricted to native predefined operators or if we could pass our own operator as argument in order to implement that logic. Q, being a functional language, provides support for lambda expressions, as we show next:


We rely on the Scala adaptation to explain what is going on:

scala> prices.fold(0f)((x, y) => if (y < 500f) x max y else x)
val res8: Float = 499.98163

As you can see, we replace | with the lambda expression that implements the desired logic: getting the max of x and y as long as y is lower than 500f. The q lambda expression is surrounded by curly braces, where [x;y] correspond to the input parameters, using a consistent notation with regard to the argument passing style. The rest of the expression ($[y<500f;x|y;x]) acts as the body, where the $ operator is therefore the analogous for an if statement.

So far, we’ve seen that the character $ serves as the casting operator and as the if statement. These kind of symbol overloading is very frequent and turns out to be a major barrier to start reading q code from experienced programmers. I guess that the same barrier applies for Scala newbies trying to understand the many uses of the underscore symbol (_).

It’s worth mentioning that when the parameter block is omitted, q will understand names x, y and z as the first, second and third parameters, respectively. It’s quite similar to the Scala placeholder syntax (_ + _), without the limitation of having to use each parameter exactly once. On its part, q has the limitation of lacking additional names for functions with a number of parameters greater than three. We apply this idea in the following definition, where we parameterize the hardcoded limit as an additional argument and assign the resulting function a name:


The Scala counterpart would be:

scala> val lim: (Float, Float, Float) => Float = (x, y, z) => if (y < z) x max y else x

Unfortunately, we can exploit Scala placeholder syntax here.

Once we have defined the new name to get the maximum value which is in turn lower than a given limit, we can modularise the previous logic:

q)0 lim[;;500f]/prices	

We can adapt this code into Scala as follows:

scala> prices.fold(0f)(lim(_, _, 500f))
val res10: Float = 499.88913

As you have probably guessed by the Scala definition, what q achieves in lim[;;500f] is to fix the third argument to 500f and return a function that still expects the first and second ones, as determined by the lack of arguments for such positions. In q, this technique is known as projection.

Q deploys both the currified and non-currified versions of every function. In this sense, lim can be invoked both as lim[1;2;3] and lim[1][2][3]. If we combine this currying notion with projection, the flexibility of function invocacion becomes astonishing. To illustrate it, we show further alternatives for the very same invocation:


Before moving on to the next section, we’d like to clarify that the limit logic could benefit from a different implementation. In fact, we think that the following code is more idiomatic in q:

q)max prices where prices<500f

The previous code could be adapted into Scala as follows:

scala> prices.filter(_ < 500f).max
val res11: Float = 499.88913

However, the q approach is radically different in the shadows, as the next post will show.

Calculating the max price within a whole year

Again, we find it interesting to generate the random prices from scratch. In fact, instead of simply using a longer list of prices, we’ll produce a list of prices associated to every working day, to keep data tidier. Once generated, we’ll move on to the actual calculation of the max value within the brand new structure.

Generating a whole year of random prices

First of all, we’ll use the techniques that we’ve been learning on the previous section to make the existing functions more reusable. For example, we adapt the generation of the prices for a day as follows:


As usual, we adapt the snippet into Scala:

scala> val rnd_prices: (Duration, Duration, Float) => List[Float] = {
     |   case (x, y, z) => List.fill((y-x).toSeconds)(nextFloat).map(_ * z)
     | }

As you can see, we’ve just parameterized the starting time, ending time and higher price as x, y and z, respectively. This function will be reused to generate different random prices for each working day.

Before moving on, we need to identify the working days within a range of dates. We do so by means of the next function:

q)working_days:{dates where((dates:x+til(y-x))mod 7)>1}

This time we avoid showing the Scala counterpart, since it would be far more complex and doesn’t add value from a didactic perspective. Anyway, the previous function just keeps working days, those whose modulo 7 is greater than 1. To understand why, we need to take into account that q dates start counting on 2000.01.01, which happened to be Saturday. We supply the starting and ending dates that allow us to collect the working days from 2020 (such a wonderful year, huh?):


We’ll assume that such list was generated in Scala somehow:

scala> val wds: List[Date] = ...

Now, it’s time to associate the random prices for each working day. We do so by means of the following expression, where two new features are introduced:

q)prices:wds!{rnd_prices[09:00:00;17:30:00;1000f]}each wds
2020.01.01| 447.9321 687.9944 491.4469 426.7794 650.8995 147.1279 440.327  37..
2020.01.02| 601.4124 818.0695 549.0516 985.867  387.0052 315.4341 338.4381 40..
2020.01.03| 811.1749 237.0332 220.7359 435.7565 190.276  35.80185 491.0418 82..
2020.01.06| 780.8859 5.676414 286.5235 149.7137 568.0527 916.0366 66.16259 46..

It’s adapted into Scala as follows:

scala> val prices: Map[Date, List[Float]] =
     |   wds.zip(wds.map(_ => rnd_prices(9.hours, 17.hours+30.minutes, 1000f))).toMap

val prices: Map[Date,List[Float]] = Map(2020.01.01 -> List(977.59784, 185.63521,
586.2779, 221.09216, 775.3352, 645.992, 206.07281, 427.91003, 166.2563,
639.81836, 717.57886, 842.7385, 189.36241, 755.4852, 229.79778, 548.248,
472.32468, 383.4009, 920.29846, 211.65651, 132.54398, 514.35223, 135....

On the one hand, we remark the iterator each. It corresponds to the map invocation on the Scala snippet (that we functional programmers associate to functors). In fact, they both allow us to apply a function over each element at the collection. The mapper ignores the existing value, since the objective here is to replace the date with the random prices.

The Scala version could avoid the zip invocation and reuse map for putting dates and lists together:

scala> val prices: Map[Date, List[Float]] =
     |   wds.map((_, rnd_prices(9.hours, 17.hours+30.minutes, 1000f))).toMap

However, we think that the original version has a better correspondence with the q one.

On the other hand, we must focus on the ! operator as well, since it’s introducing a major abstraction from q: dictionaries. Although the inner implementation details may be completely different, I find it fair to compare dictionaries with maps. The ! operator is adapted as a combination of zip, to place keys with values together, and toMap, to turn the list of pairs into an actual map. By using it, we end up with a collection where each working day has a list of prices associated.

Finding the max value

Given the generated prices, we think that there are two main approaches to calculate the higher price:

  • Calculate the maximum price for each day and then calculate the maximum one among them
  • Put all the prices together and just calculate the maximum one

The first approach is carried out in the next code:

q)max max each prices

that we can translate into Scala this way:

scala> prices.mapValues(_.max).max._2
val res12: Float = 999.9997

As suggested by the Scala expression, when we use the each iterator over a dictionary, we are actually applying the mapper over the values, keeping the keys as is. Once we’ve calculated the max value associated to each day, we can invoke max directly over the resulting collection. In the Scala case, we need to pick the value as a final step, since the involved key is also returned.

The second approach is implemented as follows:

q)max raze prices

It is adapted into Scala using flatten:

scala> prices.values.flatten.max

Indeed, raze just flattens the dictionaries of lists, and roughly corresponds to the join monadic operation. If we take into account that , is the list concatenation operator, it should be straightforward to understand the implementation of raze:


Indeed, it just uses the over iterator using , as reducer.

At this point we must say that the first approach is preferable, since it’s more modular and therefore parallelizable. In fact, there’s a variant of each which is referred to as peach that we could use to exploit such aspect. However, we wanted to show the second approach since it’s almost mandatory for a functional programming-related post to make yet another monad reference, isn’t it?


  • Q enjoys the common traits of functional languages: lambdas, higher-order functions, etc. with some nice features like projection.
  • Q is not for the purest minds, given that side effects are the norm in certain situations, such as the generation of random numbers or the reassignment of variables.
  • Although we acknowledge that q notation isn’t for everyone, we find it very beautiful and extremely concise (even when we let the insane lack of space characters and operator overloading aside).

Before concluding, we must warn you that this post is far from reflecting the real power of q. You should wait to our next post on array processing to see it! It takes a while to experience the Zen, but you’ll get a really powerful tool of thought as a reward.

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