Algebras for the Masses!

Algebras for the Masses!

Published Feb 20, 2017 by Jesus Lopez-Gonzalez

According to Wikipedia, “an Algebraic Structure is a set with one or more finitary operations defined on it that satisfies a list of axioms”. From a programming perspective, that sounds like a bunc...

From “Hello, world!” to “Hello, monad!” (Part II/III)

From “Hello, world!” to “Hello, monad!” (Part II/III)

Published Jan 9, 2017 by Javier Fuentes

In the first part of this series, we set forth the essence of functional programming, namely, being declarative. This was illustrated with the ubiquitous “Hello, world!” example, a ridiculously sim...

Lens, State Is Your Father

Lens, State Is Your Father

Published Nov 10, 2016 by Jesus Lopez-Gonzalez

In our last post, we introduced IOCoalgebras as an alternative way of representing coalgebras from an algebraic viewpoint, where Lens was used as a guiding example. In fact, lens is an abstraction ...

Yo Dawg, We Put an Algebra in Your Coalgebra

Yo Dawg, We Put an Algebra in Your Coalgebra

Published Oct 11, 2016 by Jesus Lopez-Gonzalez

As Dan Piponi suggested in Cofree Meets Free, we may think of coalgebraic things as machines with buttons. In this post, we take this metaphor seriously and show how we can use algebras to model th...


From "Hello, world!" to "Hello, monad!" (Part I)

Published Jan 22, 2016 by Juan Manuel Serrano

This is the first instalment of a series of posts about the essence of functional programming. The only purpose of this series is to illustrate the defining features of this style of programming us...

The Speech Console

The Speech Console

Published Jul 29, 2013 by Juan Manuel Serrano

During these months, we have tried to explain Speech using different strategies and metaphors, with varying results. For instance, we have defined Speech as

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